
At the centre of the Classics Degree at Cambridge is private study. Each week you will be asked to prepare one or two essays about the topics you are studying, giving you the opportunity to delve into the primary sources and what other scholars have written for yourself, and to form your own opinions. In order to help you with this, your supervisor will give you a list of recommended reading with some starting points for thinking about the question you’re working on.

Cambridge is ideally set up as a place for study. Our University Library automatically gets a copy of every single book and journal that is published in the UK and buys many more from abroad besides - you can find there any book you could possibly need during your course. We also have an exceptionally well-stocked library in the Classics Faculty itself which has all the key works that you will need during your undergraduate career and a team of friendly librarians who can help you to find exactly what you are looking for. Students also find our Faculty Library a really good place to work, and as it’s part of the Faculty it’s ideal for popping in to between lectures or classes. We also provide you with an extensive collection of online resources that mean that you can read many of the articles on your reading lists without ever having to leave the comfort of your own room!

Our famous Museum of Classical Archaeology is also a brilliant resource for Classics students who choose to study Art and Archaeology papers. Here the large collection of casts and pottery allows you to see life-size copies of the very items you’re working on in three dimensions so that you can appreciate the impression they make on the viewer for yourself.